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A buffalo or a cow?

I read that Indian chieftess, Wilma Mankiller, desired to be  known," as the woman who dances on the roof edge ." I had always felt that was how I wanted to be recognized by others. In many ways, we all begin our lives fearless. The majority of us desire to be seen as invincible, even though we know we are not. We believe that there is a weakness in vulnerability. Yet dancing on the edge of a roof is not being brave or bold. It is just dumb. I am in closer agreement with her statement," "Cows run away from the storm while the buffalo charges toward it - and gets through it quicker.
Whenever I'm confronted with a tough challenge, I do not prolong the torment, I become the buffalo." I have spent much of my life like buffalo.  As I grow older, I find myself acting like a cow at times. We all have challenges and choices to make in our lives. What is the right choice for one person may be wrong for another. It will be up to you to decide. It might be better if we don't worry about how others view us and just choose which side of the storm we want to be on.  Many of us today are having to make a choice due to the current pandemic.  Each individual must decide for himself or herself what action they are willing to take. The one thing that all of us should not do is be unloving towards each other. None of us know for sure whether it is better to be a buffalo or a cow. The one thing I know to be true is both buffaloes and cows eat from the same pastures. Sometimes it might be better to spend time in the storm.  Valuable lessons can be learned there. What lessons are we learning in the turbulence that we call COVID?


  1. Life is too short to run from the day. Be the buffalo, even if you don't have much time, accomplish what God has set for you.


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